Why does the job exist?

Efficient, Accurate, and Time-Saving Job Job Analysis. Our platform merges AI-driven analytics with expert insights to deliver precise, efficient, and job analysis summaries.

Transform the way you create job descriptions - Transkribe.io.
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Our Features

We create accurate and insightful job descriptions that streamline processes for HR professionals and business managers.

  • AI-Powered Job Analysis

    We partner with ErynAI to help you offload the time consuming task of data gathering and job analysis!
  • Expert Job Descriptions

    Our Professional job description creators deliver effective and optimized job descriptions.
  • Streamline People Strategy

    Revolutionize your people strategy by automating job analysis interviews.

Transkribe in Action

Watch How to Use Our AI-Driven Job Analysis and Expert Job Description Creation in Our Demo Video

Precision Job Analysis

  • Deep Role Insights: Use AI and natural language processing for comprehensive job role understanding.
  • Precise Analysis: Thorough job analysis for accurate position descriptions.

Time-Efficient Data Gathering

  • For HR & Recruiters: Streamlines time-intensive tasks.
  • Verbal Data Gathering: Easy and efficient response collection.
  • Focus Shift: Frees up time for strategic work.

Comprehensive Recommendations

  • Comprehensive Information: Offers transcribed interviews and summarized job descriptions.
  • Actionable Insights: Provides data-driven strategies with national benchmarks.

Natural Language Processing

Our platform harnesses the unparalleled capabilities of natural language processing (NLP) to seamlessly gather insights directly from the individuals who understand job roles best. 

Transkription tech

ErynAI Integration

Innovative Software: ErynAI, the core of Transkribe.io, brings the future of job description creation to you.

AI-Driven Insights: Transforms spoken input into detailed job analyses.

Accurate and Detailed: Ensures job descriptions are precise and full of relevant details.

Smart Integration: Combines AI technology with human expertise for deeper role understanding.

Enhanced Job Postings: Every description is a blend of accuracy and depth, thanks to ErynAI.

Transkribe and eryn partner

Team of Experts

AI Meets Expertise: Combines AI innovation with human knowledge for dynamic job descriptions.

Expert Collaboration: Features a team of specialized job description creators working with AI.

Precision & Insight: Ensures job descriptions are accurate and full of human insights.

High Standards: Guarantees clarity and relevance in job analysis, enhancing HR effectiveness.

Team of experts

Direct Insights

Insights from the Source: Gain knowledge directly from those most familiar with the roles.

Eliminate Guesswork: Access your team’s valuable insights effortlessly with Transkribe.

Enhanced Accuracy: Ensure more accurate job descriptions by tapping into firsthand experience.

Transkribe insights

What Users Say

Discover What Our Users Are Saying About Transkribe.io: Real Stories, Real Results

"The team at Transkribe.io have helped us significantly reduce the time we spend trying to understanding roles so that we can focus on strategic HR initiatives. We are now using Transkribe + ErynAI as part of our HRTech Stack."

Sarah Thompson, HR Manager

"As a small business owner, time is of the essence. Transkribe.io has streamlined our job analysis and the job description team have been key partners to setting my business up for success. I can now understand my teams and how they contribute to our business' goals.

Alex Rodriguez, Small Business Owner

"Transkribe.io is a great start to the Vision the team at ErynAI are bringing to life. I know they will be key players in leveling up the world of HR technology. The current capabilities of getting insights directly from team members brings a more efficient process to our job understanding interviews. It's user-friendly, efficient, and has become an integral part of my talent acquisition and job posting process."

Emily Chen, Talent Acquisition Specialist

Revolutionize your Job Description creation

Join us at Transkribe.io and say goodbye to the time-consuming struggles of understanding job roles.
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